(Website under Renovation)
Database - MySQL
This course focusses on providing the knowledge and skills required to make a strong foundational base in Database concepts.
The Trainees will learn to design database-tables-columns; install MySQL, MySQL Workbench software's; execute basic and advanced SQL commands, implement techniques to secure data in databases and optimize the SQL queries in a large database.
What skills an Engineer will Learn?:
1. Basic Database Concepts
Introduction to Database, DBMS
Database Architecture,
Types of Database Model
Entity Relationship Model (Entity, Relationship, Attributes)
2. Download and Install MySQL, MySQL Workbench.
3. Basic MySQL:
Introduction to SQL, MySQL.
MySQL Users: Create, Rename, Delete a MySQL User
MySQL Data Types
DDL, DML, DCL, TCL Commands: Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Insert, Select, Update, Delete, Grant, Revoke, Commit, Rollback
Constraints: Unique, Not Null, Primary Key, Foreign Key, Check, Default.
Aggregate Functions:
Sorting, Filtering & Grouping Data:
Use of "order by", "AND", "OR", "IN", "NOT IN", "BETWEEN", "LIKE", "LIMIT", "IS NULL"
Use of "Group By", "Having"
String, Date & Time Functions
4. Advanced MySQL:
Joins: Inner, Left, Right, Cross, Self
Stored Procedures & Triggers,
Data Security
Query Optimization techniques in large database
(The course is adjusted as per the requirements of the training.)