(Website under Renovation)
This course focusses on providing the knowledge and skills required to make a strong foundational base in Java programming language.
What skills an Engineer will Learn?:
1. First Steps in Java
Introduction, History, Features of Java platform
Introduction to JDK, JRE, JVM
- Setup of Java platform, Eclipse
- Write First Java Programs,
- Statements, Whitespace and Indentation (Code Organization)
- Naming Convention in Java
2. Java Variables & Control Statements
Variables & Data types
Auto boxing and Unboxing
Introduction & Uses of Arrays
Control Statements: if-else, switch-case
Conditional Loops: for, for-each, while, do-while, break. continue
3. Object Oriented Programming Concepts:
Object class, and life cycle of Object.
Access Modifiers (public, private, protected, default)
Inheritance & its types
Polymorphism (Compile - time & Run time)
Abstraction (abstract classes & interface)
About "static", "final", "super", "instance of", "this" keywords
Nested, Inner & Anonymous class
String, String Buffer, String Builder class
4. Exception Handling:
Exception Handling Keywords (try, catch, finally, throw, throws)
Exception Hierarchy,
Built-in & User Defined Exceptions
5. Java Database Connection (JDBC)
Use of JDBC & JDBC-MYSQL Drivers
Connection with MySQL Database
JDBC Exception Handling
6. Java Generics & Collections
Generic classes & functions
Lists (Array List, LinkedList)
Sets (Hash Set, Tree Set)
Map (Hash Map, Tree Map, Hash Table)
Sort (Comparable & Comparator)
7. Lambda Expressions
8. jUnit
Test frameworks, Annotations
jUnit Exception Test
9. Internals of JVM & Memory Management
Java Code Execution Process
Runtime data areas, Execution Engine, Garbage Collection
Stack & Heap
Static Variable (Global, Non-static, Static Methods)
10. Work in Existing Java Packages
Read Source Code of Multiple Java files.
Write code in the existing Java file (that already has a jUnit Test-Case), and
Add a new feature without breaking the functionality of existing code.
Modify already written jUnit Test Case based on the new requirements.
Solve Errors by looking them at Console, log files.
(The course is adjusted as per the requirements of the training.)