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Data Structures & Algorithms

This course focusses on providing the knowledge and skills required to make a strong foundational base in Data Structures & Algorithms.

Trainees will learn, implement and use different types of data structures & algorithms using Java.

Trainees will be able to understand the time & space complexity of data structures and algorithms. 


What skills an Engineer will Learn?:

1. Basic Introduction, importance of Data Structures

2. Basic Introduction, importance of Algorithms

3. Arrays -> It's uses and applications

4. Linked List, Stack & Queues -> Uses, and its real use case scenarios.

5. Sorting Algorithms (Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge) -> Uses & applications.

6. Searching Algorithms (Linear, Binary)

7. Graph Algorithms (Breadth First Search, Depth First Search)

8. Space and Time Complexity (Big - O notation)​


(The course is adjusted as per the requirements of the training.)

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