(Website under Renovation)
Cloud computing - AWS
This course will help Engineers to build knowledge of the fundamental concepts of cloud computing; and will get practical hands-on experience in core Amazon Web Services (AWS) services.
What skills an Engineer will Learn?:
1. Introduction to Cloud computing
About cloud computing, Advantages & its characteristics
Examples of Cloud Applications, Cloud computing models
2. Introduction to AWS
Setup of AWS account
Overview of AWS Services
AWS Global Infrastructure / Architecture
3. AWS Identity & Access Management (IAM) Service
IAM Authentication Methods
Create IAM User & Groups
IAM Access Control
Create Security Groups
4. AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Service
Advantages of using EC2 machine
Create an AWS Linux EC2 Instance
Connecting to EC2 instance from local PC using Putty, SSH
Using IAM Roles with EC2
Attach Security Groups with EC2 instance
Deploy Java Web Applications with Spring framework in Linux Server
5. AWS Storage (S3) Services
Uses & advantages of S3
Create S3 bucket and its permissions.
Upload static website in S3
Create & Attach EBS volume to an instance
6. AWS Relational Database (RDS) Service
Create a RDS - MySQL database server.
Connect MySQL workbench from local PC with AWS - RDS
7. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Create an Apache Server, Java Applications in Beanstalk
Upload Java web applications in Server
Connect Server with RDS
8. AWS Cloud watch Monitoring
Working of Cloud Watch & Cloud Watch Metrics
Dashboard, Logs, Alarms, Events
9. AWS Elastic Load Balancer
Working of Load balancing
Load Balancing Strategies with different EC2 Servers
10. AWS Auto Scaling Group
Working of Auto Scaling & its advantages
Auto Scaling Rules + Alarms
11. Performance & Costing - AWS Billing
Understanding Billing Console
Creating a Billing Alarm
12. Virtual Private Cloud(VPC)
Working of VPC
VPC & Subnets, Security
(The course is adjusted as per the requirements of the training.)